Washington State University Researchers Use AI to Perfect 3D-Printed Organs

Researchers at Washington State University have made a breakthrough by combining artificial intelligence (AI) with 3D printing, making the technology more efficient and adaptable. Their new AI algorithm shows promise in transforming industries that rely on 3D printing, from healthcare to electronics. By using AI, they aim to simplify the process of creating complex objects such as artificial organs, bendable electronics, and wearable devices.

In their study, the researchers tested their AI by using it to 3D print models of human organs, like kidneys and prostates. The AI was able to generate 60 different versions of these organ models, each one improving upon the last. This demonstrated the AI’s ability to continuously learn and optimize the 3D printing process, making it more precise with each attempt. This continuous improvement could help speed up the manufacturing of complex objects, reducing both time and costs.

3D printing has already become a popular alternative to traditional manufacturing because it is quicker and more flexible. It is used in creating various objects, including sensors, organ models, bone implants, batteries, and even wearable devices. The ability to print such a wide range of items makes 3D printing an attractive option for fields like aerospace, medicine, and surgery. However, selecting the right settings for 3D printing can still be difficult and time-consuming. Traditional methods for optimizing 3D printing often focus on just one aspect of printing quality or overall performance, making them less effective in complex tasks.

This is where AI steps in. AI can help refine the 3D printing process by selecting the best parameters for each object being printed, saving time and resources. As co-author Kaiyan Qiu, a professor at Washington State University, explained, AI allows for the optimization of results, reducing the labor and expense involved in 3D printing. In the study, the researchers used a machine learning technique called Bayesian optimization (BO) to fine-tune the input settings for 3D printing. This technique was key in allowing the AI to improve the quality of printed models over time.

The researchers first trained their AI to print a prostate model for surgical rehearsal. After that, with minor adjustments, they were able to print a kidney model as well. This shows the flexibility of the AI algorithm, which can be applied to other biomedical devices and fields beyond healthcare. According to Qiu, the method can potentially be expanded to manufacture even more complicated objects. This combination of AI and 3D printing could revolutionize industries, leading to faster and more efficient production of high-quality, complex items.

Reference: Wiley Online Library – https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/admt.202400037